I finally learned how to navigate Christmas food 2024
Good grief, I’ve been eating in the Wide Eyed way for almost 13 years. So, you’d think that when it comes to eating over the
Good grief, I’ve been eating in the Wide Eyed way for almost 13 years. So, you’d think that when it comes to eating over the
I want to talk about pregnancy nutrition. I recently posted a video about my near-death childbirth experience in 2000. I am utterly convinced I had
You might believe that going to an ‘expert’ for help with a problem is asking them to help you change some kind of flaw. Whether
I’ve found that even with the best food, I need an extra boost when it comes to alleviating the aches and pains that come when
Did your mum ever say, don’t rush your food you’ll get indigestion? Or were you warned off a late-night snack of cheese on toast because
I was thinking about how I used to eat the other day. I think about it a lot really. It’s my job to put myself
The idea of fasting hit me in the head in 2013. And it definitely worried me. Before the notion was introduced to me, it had
Indigestion tablets were a part of my life for some 30 years. I’ve had severe bouts of indigestion, but I had no idea that for
Unlike the monumental moment when I first read about what the human body shouldn’t be eating for it to thrive which is burned into my
Yet another miracle ‘cure’ for the menopause symptoms has hit the headlines. Testosterone preparations are being promoted all over social media and have many women
If you have weight to lose, don’t eat oats. Despite the health halo oats have been given, your body will digest them and turn them
You know I’m always talking about taking the very best care of yourself. Obviously, my focus is the very best food but there are other
It’s our national obsession. And it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. We now live in a time where we’ve passed our weight obsession
You’ve more than likely heard of someone having a ‘thyroid problem’. You might be that person. The thyroid is the butterfly shaped gland in your
Are you in the habit of justifying every action you take? For example, might you book a holiday that will stretch the bank, but justify
I love how various events set me off on a tangent. I recently got invited onto BBC Radio Suffolk, to talk to Wayne Bavin again,
If you are averse to absorbing the sun’s rays, then absorb these facts: You are twice as likely to die from not being exposed to
Being in my fifties now, I find myself more and more baffled at the sheer lack of information I was ever provided with, either at school or via public health, when it came to the various stages my body would go through as a woman.
It’s no secret that maintaining a healthy balance in life can be tricky. We are constantly bombarded with demands from work, family, and social obligations. It can be hard to find time for ourselves, let alone our hobbies and interests.
A recent study by Belgian researchers found that out of 750 type 1 and type 2 diabetics, around a third of both men and women
Walkers Crisps in collaboration with Ruby Wax and Comic Relief have launched a campaign to improve our mental health by talking more honestly to each
Here’s what not to do if you’re trying to replace one ingredient with an untested alternative! My goodness I thought I was being so clever.
Low carb meals, low fat or vegan, it’s all there. Isn’t it convenient that we can simply move from one diet to another and have
Do you have maintenance plans of any kind? You more than likely get many things serviced to keep them in good condition. Car, boiler, home appliances etc.
No. Surely not. Not you. You’re vigilant and always watchful for someone taking the Michael. And if something slips by your guard you easily nip
Before 2012 I never questioned where my food came from. I went to the shops to buy the weekly groceries and filled my trolley to
I would wager that you’ve known someone related to you or closely associated with you who has died of cancer. There are very few people
With 7.9 billion (and counting) people on the planet it is well known that there is an urgent need to find ways to feed us
(This is an article that includes links for which I am a paid affiliate.) During term time is a great time to get out and
Go to the supermarket and the special offer shelves have low cal this and low fat that and ‘heart healthy’ wholegrain cereal bars at all
Great question. But you might as well ask any random person on the street because you will get a million different answers!
Hot flushes, mood swings, insomnia, vaginal dryness, low libido, bad skin, mental fog, and myriad other things we’re told to look forward to as we approach that “certain age” as a woman.
You’re not alone and its fair to say that a lot of people find themselves exhausted. Not least because of the year we’ve all been through. But there can be various reasons for exhaustion so let’s explore some of the possibilities along with potential solutions.
You can call me a heretic, I don’t mind. In fact, I welcome it. Bring it on. I will stand my ground. I don’t believe
When I was a child, I was the world’s fussiest eater. I lived in fear of being offered food at a friends house, knowing that
But my headline ‘This virus has shown us what we’re made of’ refers to the actual physical attributes of the human body and how we can arm ourselves against it and anything else that crops up in the future.
The government has unveiled a plan to tackle obesity in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, Natasha Hodge of Wide Eyed Nutrition takes a look
This is my son Jacob. The picture on the left is November 2017. At this point he is 17. In fact he is two types
I know we have to eat. It’s something we all have in common. But oh my goodness isn’t it boring to hear different takes on the latest food trends day in and day out?
Not the kind of brain drain where the brightest sparks clear off to other countries and contribute to other economies. The kind where your own
So here I am, in a reflective mood on holiday in Kos in 2017. The holiday was nearing its end, and we’d had
Did anyone see the BBC programme last week, Horizon ‘Clean Eating: The Dirty Truth’? I watched it, anything to do with health and food is
You’re definitely not going to like this. What could be a cosier way of fund raising for a good cause than by selling cakes and
You don’t know what you’ve got ’til its gone. It’s a common phrase.
Well I have recently been living in a kind of underwater world.
I’m the first to put the series link on and devour the info that’s spewed forth by good looking presenters masquerading as experts in health
I’ve only gone and got myself an allotment! I’d envisaged this: And got this! Well to be precise I got it a month ago, and
All these food rules. I’ve heard of people making themselves really ill by literally just eating protein and very little else. Carbs or carbohydrate
A New Year. A clean slate. Lets look forward to a lifetime of good health. My goal for this year is to turn back the
Have you got the time? Natasha Hodge- Wide Eyed Nutrition (Published in mailchimp 13th march 2015) Rush! Everyone seems to be rushing. So busy all
Variety is the spice of life. My advice is always that what you eat is fundamental to your long term physical and emotional health. So to
Time time time See whats become of me While I look around For my possibilities. So say Simon and Garfunkel. And so say I. Everything
He’s brown all over and stubbly, just as I like him. Firm and delicious. You thought what?! No! Yes the kiwi fruit. The reason I’m
Have you noticed all those numbers on the food you buy? For as long as I can remember calories have been an issue. Too many
I loathe the word diet. With all its connotations of deprivation, hunger pangs and misery. When I talk about nutrition I can see people making
There’s so much talk about exercise being essential to losing weight or staying healthy. The common theme being that you cannot put more energy (calories)
Yet more bad news on the exposure to sunlight front. It has been found that sun damage continues even after you go inside. But this
Today the government has announced that they will be spending £300 million on dementia research. So that the UK will be a world leader in
Would you leave your property unlocked while you weren’t there? Well, perhaps you would, but would the insurance pay out if you were burgled? What’s
What your mother would have taught you, if only she’d known herself! Skills are passed down through the generations. My kids will pass all manner