woman on a beach with her arms outstretched and the sun setting

10 steps to a balanced life

It’s no secret that maintaining a healthy balance in life can be tricky. We are constantly bombarded with demands from work, family, and social obligations. It can be hard to find time for ourselves, let alone our hobbies and interests.

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butter on a white plate cut into slices with a knife in the foreground

Fat is your friend

Go to the supermarket and the special offer shelves have low cal this and low fat that and ‘heart healthy’ wholegrain cereal bars at all

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a man sleeping on his side with a blanket bunched up in front of him

Have you been feeling completely drained lately?

You’re not alone and its fair to say that a lot of people find themselves exhausted. Not least because of the year we’ve all been through. But there can be various reasons for exhaustion so let’s explore some of the possibilities along with potential solutions.

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woman looking up thinking

Stop Brain Drain

Not the kind of brain drain where the brightest sparks clear off to other countries and contribute to other economies. The kind where your own

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old tvs on a shelving unit with their screens smashed out

TV dumbs down health

I’m the first to put the series link on and devour the info that’s spewed forth by good looking presenters masquerading as experts in health

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better health

Time on my hands

I’ve only gone and got myself an allotment! I’d envisaged this: And got this! Well to be precise I got it a month ago, and

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Low carb or what?

  All these food rules. I’ve heard of people making themselves really ill by literally just eating protein and very little else. Carbs or carbohydrate

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tomatoes of many colours with a white background

Eat the rainbow

Variety is the spice of life. My advice is always that what you eat is fundamental to your long term physical and emotional health. So to

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coloured alarm clocks

Time time time

Time time time See whats become of me While I look around For my possibilities. So say Simon and Garfunkel. And so say I. Everything

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The dreaded D word.

I loathe the word diet. With all its connotations of deprivation, hunger pangs and misery. When I talk about nutrition I can see people making

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a woman exercising under duress

Get a move on!

There’s so much talk about exercise being essential to losing weight or staying healthy. The common theme being that you cannot put more energy (calories)

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blue sky a border of clouds and the sun shining

Sunny disposition?

Yet more bad news on the exposure to sunlight front. It has been found that sun damage continues even after you go inside. But this

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antique model of the human head with brain exposed

Spending is demented

Today the government has announced that they will be spending £300 million on dementia research. So that the UK will be a world leader in

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me with a fructose free cheesecake

Me and food

42 years of food. 42 years of knowing that if I feel hungry I have to have something to consume to keep me going, in

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